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14th July 2024: Down the river to Tuk

And we’re off! After 10months of patiently sitting in the harsh arctic climate, Seabelle is back on the move. With a raw sense of excitement, we wave good bye to Willy one last time as we pull away ...

23rd June 2024: Inuvik good times!

Back onboard for 2 weeks now and we are pleased to report there has been virtually no damaged from the long winterization. We launched back in the water yesterday and the procedure went super smoothly ...

08th June 2024: We are back on board!

We are back onboard! And what a wonderful feeling to find our Seabelle safe and sound, just as we left her. We meticulously check every inch of the boat for winter damage – we hear the temperatures ...

30th August 2023 – Bernard Harbour

Coming out of Cambridge Bay, we tacked into 17-22kt of wind. By midday, the wind became light so we continued under motor. We had to keep an average of 5.5kt for this passage in order to make it to ...

26th August 2023 - Cambridge Bay

After the not so pleasant first evening, our pitstop here was really fun and sociable. A good night sleep brought us back to life, refreshed and energized. We woke up with Sentijn anchored right behin ...